Both my Grandmothers were painters and I have always wished I had inherited that talent. A few years ago when I needed a break from the business I owned at the time, I used to drive to a town about an hour away and paint at one of these ceramic places. It was so relaxing to me, yet being the pefectionist that I am things rarely turned out as perfect as I wanted them too. But this one plate that I tried to paint of my fur baby Daisy I actually kind of like. I found a pink dog treats jar in the clearance at HomeGoods and I really think the two things look cute together on the kitchen counter.
Here it is--please excuse I didn't wipe off the counter before taking the picture! |
Here is the real Daisy with Janae |
I love this picture of two of our dogs (Daisy and Duke) getting all excited when they hear Janae's car pull into the driveway. Our other dog is a 12 year old Yorkie and she probably slept through the excitement. |
Tonight I have been working on a birthday present for daughter Janae's 22nd birthday. I want to show it to SOMEONE so bad but Janae loves surprises and so I can't post it here for a couple more weeks. My Mom will be coming tomorrow because we walk the track everyday now near my house so I can't wait to show it to her! I get excited when I'm working on projects.
Your plate is adorable! Love the photo of the two dogs at the cute. I also love the plate you made for me with strawberries and the words: Live well, Love much, Laugh often.
Love your doggies! And the chair- love that bling in the center of the cushion back:) I moved Logan into Ryan's old room and now I have painted Logan's room a nice grey-blue and have white wicker furniture (bed, rocker) with white bedding. I got a little dresser and am painting it white this weekend. This is all before I knew how much YOU liked white:) I guess it runs in the Cole genes!
Hi, what a sweet blog! I found yours after you left a comment on mine! :)
I have an acid mirror tutorial that will post this Saturday, so come back and see how easy it is to have an awesome mirror! And thanks!
Nat :)
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