It certainly has been quite a week...I will get to that later. First I wanted to share my imperfect angel. I think this little angel could be a symbol of my life. My life is far from perfect...but I love it anyway!
I got this little angel at Goodwill for .99 cents. She had a little chip but I knew I was going to paint her so no big deal.
Then I hear Chantel say as we walked in the door coming home from Goodwill, "Sorry Mom--I dropped your angel--but she'll be fine"
Now she has more than 1 little chip. So I glued her and painted her with spray paint. I used gloss paint (which I never like) so I sprayed it a second time with flat. Well, the paint started cracking and doing weird things...but oh well, she looks cute anyway! Imperfect angel, imperfect life, and I love it anyway :)

A few days ago my son Gage had another huge seizure. It is always so scary. We have all been sick around here and my grown daughter Janae was really sick so I had made dinner and drove plates for her and her boyfriend over to their house. As soon as I got there I get a call from my son Wyatt..."Mom, Gage is having a seizure" I hear my husband in the background saying it is a really bad one. He was still breathing thank God. I rushed home and we called 911. I told the paramedics we usually got o the Tuality hospital so off in the ambulance Gage went and I followed behind in my car. My husband stayed home with Wyatt and Chantel. After a couple hours at Tuality they still couldn't stop his seizures and so they called a critical care ambulance to take him to Dornbeckers Children's hospital.

We were put in the intensive care unit at Dornebeckers and they finally got his seizures stopped. They once again had to pump him full of so much medication that they were afraid his heart would stop or he would stop breathing--but he didn't. My Gage is a tough kid. Thank God. They wanted to keep him for a couple days...but the snow was coming. So after we spent the night I started begging for them to let us go home. All his testing was coming out fine but he was out like a light. They told me there was no way the neurologist was going to let me take him home. I was not looking forward to spending like a week there if we got snowed in (the hospital is at the top of a hill--you have a beautiful view of all of Portland but it is a bear getting up there at times). Well thank goodness the neurologist on duty was Gage's regular neurologist so he knows us. He told the nurses, " If Sandy feels comfortable taking him home let her." He told the nurses he trusted my opinion and this is not my first rodeo, and I know what I am doing. The nurses were shocked. They had told me there was no way he would let us go so I guess my persistance in saying "Please just ask him!"got us out of there. As the nurse and I wheeled him out to my car he couldn't even hold his head up. I prayed I had made the right decision. By the time we pulled into our town the snow had began to fall. Just at that time my son Wyatt called me from school saying he was very sick and he didn't know what to do. I told him I had just pulled into town and I would come and get him. He was relieved. I felt assured Gage and I were suppose to come home.

Gage slept all of Thursday and Friday. As you can see here I could get him to give me a grin but he didn't want to open those eyes. The intensive care unit doctor called me and said that they had tested him for RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) and it had come out positive. They said there is nothing we can do but let him sleep and it takes 10-14 days to get thru it. It is highly contagious so our family is just huddling up together in our house and keeping our germs to ourselves.
Wyatt has been waiting for snow for a couple years now so as soon as he felt a little better out he went...
The snow is not very packable--very dry and blowing--but he did his best to build a snowman.
Don't you just love the Cheeto eyebrows?!
I was really wanting snow this year--but I am feeling like I am over it now.
As you can see my car isn't going anywhere anytime soon so thankfully Papa (my Father-in-law) drove Wyatt and I to Walmart in his 4 wheel drive Jeep so we could get milk, eggs, bread, and kitty litter---all the things we can't live without! They say the freezing rain is coming tonight and to be ready for the electricity to go out. I have my candles ready to light.
Most business' are closed--including the shop my husband works at--so though the bills continue to come in the mail, there is no income coming in this week. We are hoping he can use some vacation days--but it will be a tougher than usual month for us.
Life isn't perfect...but it is wonderful!
I hope this finds everyone staying warm--
thanks for visiting!