Thursday, April 26, 2012

Adhering fabric to bookcase

Last night I did a project that was once again inspired by another blogger. I had seen this bookcase backed in fabric and thought that would look so pretty in my built in bookcase, and it looked easy too. Here is where I was inspired.

I have posted before about this fabric I love. I have yet to make my cart liner with it but plan to do that after we finish Janae's new floors.  Doesn't this fabric add a girly old fashioned look to this bookcase? I think it does. I am pleased! The really great thing is I applied it with spray starch and so whenever I want to change it it will be super easy. The fabric can be washed and reused to make pillows or something. I think it is a great technique!

This is what I used. I am sure there are probably better brands but this was only like $1.50 at Walmart.

At first I was worried because it wasn't staying up. For one thing I was using a very long piece of fabric (70 inches) and the weight of it was a problem as I started at the top. The trick is really soak it.
I heavily sprayed the back of the bookcase and then soaked the front of the fabric. I smoothed it out as I went..getting rid of bubbles kind of like doing wall paper. After I figured out to really get it wet it worked fine.

I love it now! 

This bookcase is in my sunroom/creative area so I have decided I am allowing this room to be girly so I think this looks great:)

Here is the evolution of the bookcase....

This is how it looked when we were looking at this house. Chantel has already grown so much since then!

This is after my husband put some better moulding around it and I painted it white

Here it is now--it has come a long way from that first picture!

 This starch technique could be used on so many different projects. I am so glad I discovered this!

On another lilacs are blooming! I am really worried about my big old lilac bush though. It has very few blooms compared to last year and almost no leaves. This years weather has been awful. Does anyone have any ideas on how to help this big old bush get healthier?

 Thanks for visiting!


Anonymous said...

Oh I do so love that fabric you found for backing those lovely bookcases of yours!! I hadn't thought of using spray starch for this- I did a tutorial on using starch for wallpapering but I used the liquid bottle starch. I think the spray starch might be less messy!

sunnyskiesandsweettea said...

That built in bookcase is so pretty! I love the fabric you chose.

Amy Jo

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

What a beautiful addition to your bookcase. Lovely fabric choice!


The pretty fabric makes your treasures "pop"... great job!

karen@somewhatquirky said...

The fabric looks really wonderful! Nice job.

LifeLessOrdinary said...

I'm so glad you posted this. I've heard about using starch to attach fabric to walls but I've never seen it done. Thanks for sharing this. And, yes, the fabric is gorgeous.

Jennifer said...

It looks beautiful!! That fabric is exactly the right touch for that bookcase!

Cherub Cottage said...

I just love how it turned out...what a transformation...thank you for the starch tip. I have been trying to hunt down a bookcase for all my Romantic Homes when I find it I will know how to adorn it with pretty fabric... I love following your blog it is sooo beautiful. luvnhugs :)

Grandma Carolee said...

That fabric adds a beautiful touch to your bookcase. I had never heard of attaching fabric to a wall before. It looks wonderful!!

I think those lilacs with the white & purple are especially pretty.

farmhouse-story said...

this is just precious, sandy! you've taken a plain bookcase and made into a lovely accent for your home!

our last two summers were super hot, and my lilac is totally dead this spring:( my daughter in law cuts hers back every year and its beautiful and healthy looking.--maybe thats the answer?

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Beautiful, Sandy! I love this idea and have done it myself on a bookcase and, when we moved, a glass door cabinet in my kitchen that holds all my white pieces. I look at it everyday {especially since it is in my line of site from the counter} and I just love it. I didn't do the starch method though. I just covered cardboard with my fabric and stuck it in the back of the cabinet. The size keeps them in place and I can remove them at any time and change them out.

Rose Garden Malevik said...

Lovley Post :)
and do not miss...




it is FUN :)
Håkan ( The Roseman)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, Sandy! What a great idea! I had no idea this would work! Thanks for sharing it. Your bookcase is lovely!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Love this creative and beautiful!

Nann said...

Sandy love the befores and afters of the bookcase. It looks SO much better painted white. REally beautiful. And love how you did the starch thing with the fabri!! What a smart idea. I'm going to remember that one. I know the fabric is great but all the wonderful things on your shelves really took my eye. Boy do you have the touch in picking out yummy things and ;putting it all together. Love it absolutely love it!!


Special 'K' said...

It is beautiful. I am amazed at the transformation. Thanks for sharing. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

Unknown said...

What a wonderful world blogging is. So many idea's and everyone tell us how to do things..mistakes and corrections. That is what makes blogging a fun place to be! I love how you put this together. Te fabric is stunning and I wish I could paint things white! It looks beautiful...

Old Red Barn said...

Thanks for sharing. I'm going to try this out! The bookcase looks so much better painted white! And the fabric is adorable!


Anne said...

That looks so pretty in your book case.I love that rose fabric.I wish I could give you a suggestion for your lilacs.I am having the same issue.This weather is horrible for all of my flowers.

Carolyn said...

I love the fabric on the bookcase and great tip on the starch.
I am not sure about your lilac problem but may be it is the strange weather. Here on the Island our soil is acidic and so I have to give them a little lime around the base once in awhile(every year or two).Hopefully,next year will be better for them.
Enjoy your weekend,

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh Sandy, that is just a winner of a bookshelf! You did a great job, it's truly wonderful! Happy I found your blog!

Eileen said...

Sandy, It turned out goegeous! I love that fabric and such a great tip with the starch. Thank you for that valuable info. Thanks also for stopping by to visit my blog!
Have a great week.
Eileen @ CBH

Olivia said...

Hello darling friend! Wow! That fabric is the perfect pop of color! I LOVE it! Great to have a girly place to fluff and use romantic roses. You are so great at arranging all of your pretties! I am wondering if trimming the bush back would help? I'm not sure about lilac's though, I do not have any. Have a beautiful and blessed weekend.

Anonymous said...

Your bookcase looks amazing! I love, love, love the floral fabric. It adds just the right touch of shabby without being too fru fru. Beautiful!!

The Polka Dot Closet said...

I love that fabric, it is so pretty, I love using the starch method because it is so easy to change your mind and pull it off and start over. You asked about the blank decal paper. I am not able to ge it wholesale so I cannot get a better price than you can. I have a link on my left side bar that talks about doing decals and I have a link there for the decal paper I recommend


Biljana said...

Absolutely beautiful:-)
Thanks for stopping by, hugs Biljana

imsteelefullofscrap said...

Just found your blog and aww such beautiful creations you have done!!! Look forward to following you along I did not see a spot to sign up for emails so hope I do not miss anything

summersoul said...

I cannot believe that you changed that bookcase the way you did. It looks awesome! I love the moulding and the white paint and of course the fabric inside. Wow!


Shabby Brocante, Karen said...

Wow, that was a fantastic remodel. I love the moulding and, of course....the white. :)

Connie@shabbyforsure said...

Your bookcase is lovely. The trim realy set it off.

Pam Kessler said...

I swear I have that same type of bookcase in my bedroom. The wood built in to the wall kind. I've been thinking of painting it, but couldn't picture how it would look. So now I know - it looks awesome. Oh, and the fabric is a nice touch!

Pam Kessler said...

I swear I have that same type of bookcase in my bedroom. The wood built in to the wall kind. I've been thinking of painting it, but couldn't picture how it would look. So now I know - it looks awesome. Oh, and the fabric is a nice touch!

Cindy said...

Wow, what a transformation of that bookcase... It looks so pretty now! Love the fabric backing and knowing the cool trick with the spray starch!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh, this is so sweet! I love it. Now I have heard of using liquid starch before but not spray. I think the spray like you've used would be the easiest. Your cabinet looks wonderful.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Bunny Jean said...

Hi Sandy!

How pretty is that?! Just love the girlyness of it, and you can make something with the fabric when you get tired of it in the bookcase. I made HUGE roll up blinds with fabric soaked in starch... way back in the early 70"s. They were dandelion yellow to go with my black pleather sofa and glass and chrome tables... eek!

About the lilac... they need good drainage and you have been darn near flooded this winter. They also bloom on last years growth so never trim to too much or to late in the season. They do best with a cold winter but nee sun. Don't fertilize it too much either... I hope it gets better soon.

Thanks for joining the party again this week!

xoxo Bunny Jean

Schotzy said...

What a difference love makes!

Janet said...

I love the fabric and your bookcase looks just perfect!

cgammeter said...

Hi Sandy, I'm Connie at, a new GFC friend. I would love it if you stop by and be mine, too.
Thanks for sharing this project, it looks beautiful.

Cottagerose said...

Hi, Do you cut the spent blooms off your lilac? That really helps mine produce blooms for the next year