Well, Jerry is in bed. The boys are in front of the TV, Wyatt's playing a video game and Gage is watching. The girls are at Walmart at the Black Friday sale. I am sitting here at the computer reflecting on how long it will take me to do all the dishes. All is how it should be. It has been a Happy Thanksgiving!

These pictures were taken before it all began. We were having a small thanksgiving this year--just my best friend Eileen and her son, and her fiancee who happens to be my brother in law, and our own family of course. I was able to scoot a small table up to the larger table so the kids didn't have to be separated from "the big kids" because face it we are all kids at heart. Eileen laughed at me with notes in the bowls for what goes where--but she's younger than me, she doesn't know what it is like to be older and forgetful. I would forget to make the stuffing or something if I didn't have a list to remind myself!
I rarely let a picture of myself be taken (because I feel younger than I look and I always think, who is that old woman?!) but Mom took this picture of my sister Wendy, myself and Eileen, when we brought my fattening mashed potatoes to my parents house for their dinner. It has become a tradition that I bring them mashed potatoes every year.

At one point I had to count--if there were more people or more dogs at our thankful celebration. Do you think we are dog lovers?! Pictured here are Brooklynn, Dafney, Duke, Lacie, Daisy and Bella. There did end up being more people--6 dogs and 9 people. These are a bunch of spoiled puppy dogs that is for sure! They were all perfect angels (I was kind of surprised!).
Then we began to fill the table with food.
Eileen made this Martha Stewart Mac and Cheese. I wanted to eat the whole thing! She let me keep the leftovers--it may be my favorite food ever.
Eileen even wrote down what this is called for me but I can't find where I put it! It is a sweet potato dish a little bit spicy with bacon on top. Delicious! Edited: Eileen told me where she wrote it--its called Smoky Chipotie Sweet potato Souffle--doesn't it even sound delicious?!
Janae made delicious deviled eggs!
Jerry smoked the turkey on the Traeger. So good!
These are what our family calls "Aunt Eva's Rolls " They are a recipe from my Great Aunt Eva--who I never met, but they are a family tradition--we have them every holiday! I think I'll go have another one right now...
As you can see, my brother in law, Scott is a big Dallas Cowboys fan.
Bella wanted me to set a place setting for her!
After going through the ads the girls took off for Walmart just a couple blocks away. It is a huge Walmart with a even larger parking lot. Janae called me minutes after leaving and said she was coming home and wanted me to drive them back there and come pick them up later because there was no parking spot left. Sure enough--I dropped them off and it took me awhile just to get out of the parking lot. It has been a couple hours and they haven't called me to pick them up yet. Shopping insanity!
Edited to add this picture Janae sent me from her cell phone...
Tomorrow we go have a another thanksgiving meal at my Mother in laws house..more eating, but this time no work for me! Thanks for visiting my Thanksgiving post and hopefully everyone's Thanksgiving day was as satisfying as ours!