Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pretty Pictures, Pretty Blog

As I come up on my first year anniversary of blogging in about 6 weeks, I have been thinking a lot about what makes a blog enjoyable. I started trying to figure out what attracts me to a blog. I quickly decided it is a lot to do with pretty pictures. When I began this blog I felt like I had to post new projects as often as possible to make my blog interesting and attract followers. I love blogs that do a lot of tutorials and show before and after pictures...but I also like blogs that post about their kids, pets, gardens..everything that their life in all about. So I have decided that I want to be as well rounded of a blogger as I can..and I want to work on taking more pretty pictures!

I think that most of us would agree that Tausha at Simply Me is one of the Queens of blogging pretty pictures. I can stare for hours at her pictures of pretty fabrics, laces, just all kinds of pretty things laying around her house. I wanted to let everyone know that Kim at White Whispers 2 u is having a giveaway of a book she put together of Tausha's photos.

This photo from Kim's blog of the book she is having as a giveaway

Wouldn't we all love to win this?! Which brings me to another thing I love about blogs--so many bloggers are just so nice and so giving! Blogging has really enriched my life and made me feel so good about the truly good people that make up this world.

So I will try to make my blog as enjoyable and pretty as I can...

I often get questions about what kind of camera I use so I thought I would share.

I have this old Canon Rebel that has been a trusted friend for many years. I affectionately call it "the beast".  It is as heavy as it looks.

Then I have my purse camera which is what I use most of the is a Sony Cyber shot. This is the 3rd one I have had (first one got stolen out of my purse, second one got dropped, and now I am very careful with #3). I love this little camera. I think it takes the best pictures I have seen from a point and my opinion. I took half the pictures in this post with the beast, and half with my purse camera.  Can you tell a difference?

You'll have to excuse my obsession with my roses lately...I think they are so pretty!

So what attracts you to a blog?  I'd love to know!

Thanks for visiting!


Melanie said...

Great pics!!! Love seeing your roses, your love for animals and the pretty pics were what interested me in your blog. Love the way you write, you post in such a way that the reader feels as if they are getting an update from a dear friend on what is going on in their corner of the world!

rkbsnana said...

I love pics but want to hear about the babies (well your kids and pets) as well.

Grandma Carolee said...

I love the positive way you write (very uplifting) as well as your beautiful photos of children, pets, and flowers.

goddessof4 said...

I love photos as well,although I like seeing how other families live.It inspires me to do more with my children.As well as get ideas for projects,renovations,etc. when you visit blogs on a regular basis you feel like you become part of their family!!!! Love your blog!!!!! Blessings,Sara

dlw said...

mostly what will keep me coming back to a blog is generosity with info. if someone shows a great project, but they're stingy with the how-to, it makes me sad :( ! lots of interesting pics will initially attract me to a blog, however. i agree about tausha at simply me...she is such a sweet spirit, and her pics are scrumptious! i like your're on my blogroll, and so is your daughter's blog! good job both! happy blogging!
take care!
debra@ alifewithrepurpose

Lady of the Woods said...

I thought your blog was already beautiful especially because of the updates with kitties and other family events. But I do love the aqua in your banner LOL. I too love pics and have found that people are drawn to them, even I'm attracted to my own pics more than the view in the home LOL. However, I get sad when I see a site going to selling, or "efforting" to be beautiful/busy/popular etc rather than being naturally compelling. Its like too much makeup on a naturally beautiful woman. And it is most interesting when as you say, posts are about the life of the person, like you with your kitties, opinions, loves, rants, etc. not just eye candy. Essentially what attracts me more is the authentic sharing essence, not the candy. blessings, Lady

Bunny Jean said...

Hi Sandy!

In my opinion... you have always shared beautiful pictures.

Whether it is of your pretty 'girly' decorating projects, flowers, family and of course the fur babies. I have always loved your picture composition and style!

Thanks for sharing so many times throughout this past year at my Bunny Hop Party :)

xoxo Bunny Jean
Wednesdays Bunny Hop!

Olive said...

Great images yes but also great writing. I am a fan good writing.

Anne said...

I have to agree photos.And home decor.I love anything on home decor oh and flowers too!Especially this year when my garden is not looking so well.Congratulations on your one year blogiversary!

Wahid said...

Dear Sandy

I enjoy reading your blog. Each time you post an entry, I will quickly click on it and read. I have to agree with you that great pictures do attract readers. I am also trying to improve in my photo taking. I have a canon DSLR 60D that I hope to play with frequently. Please continue what you are doing. Last but not least, I also love reading your daughter's blog.

Good job for the both of you!

Wahida from Singapore

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures are something that I really am pulled to. Great tutorials, easy and frugal decor ideas.

I am terrible at good writing so I hope that isn't a must with most people though I do enjoy a well written post myself.

Congratulations on your 1 year blog anniversary!

bee blessed

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Oh goodness, I like so many blogs for so many different reasons. I love all of your pet pictures and your "Soft and pretty" photos. My pocket camera take some pretty good pictures too!


Doll in the Looking Glass said...

These photos of your roses would make great note cards. I love blogs that inspire me to try something new.


Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

Your blog is a perfect example of what attracts me to a blog. I love your beautiful pictures and I'm happy to be a new follower. Looking forward to seeing and reading more:-)

Anonymous said...

I love seeing pretty pictures on blogs, but I like also there being some text to be able to leave a comment when I visit.

I think you have a good mix of your home, family, and your pets, so I'd say keep up the great work.

Currently, I'm in the middle of trying to redo my blog look, so I certainly understand your frustrations. Hopefully, you'll find the balance you are aiming for soon.

Congrats for getting this first year of blogging under your belt!

Rebecca Nelson said...

Well I love blogging because I get to meet peeps like you! :) Love everything about your blog...congrats on your almost 1 year anniversary!

In January I'll start my fifth year. WHAT? Not sure WHAT ELSE MY BIG MOUTH HAS TO SAY! :)

Maybe I'll just post pics. :)

Love to you~


farmhouse-story said...

you know, sandy, i think your blog is already well rounded:)

you do a wonderful job writing your posts, you have gorgeous pics, you share peeks into your family life, decorating ideas and tutorials--i think you are what you want to be:)

how great is that? happy weekend!

Sherry Hicks said...

Love this post! I am two years in blogging and still trying to figure it out! You have made qite a few blogging followers in one year Sandy Congrats!! Your pictures are very lovely I cannot tell a difference between your point and shoot and the beast the editing is a big part of it all goes to show people do not have to break the bank to have good blog pictures love you pictures that you do post! I Hope you get your you know what soon!!!! Have an awesome Friday!!

momto8 said...

your pictures just make me feel better!!

sunnyskiesandsweettea said...


You always have great pictures! I think that is what draws me to a blog as well.

Amy Jo

Unknown said...

Your photos are gorgeous. I follow blogs for all the reasons you do. Your pics are really perfect and clear. Thanks for sharing your camera! I am in the market for a new one and yours is just with the doc ordered!
Happy Almost Blog Anniversary :)


I follow for different reasons. I enjoy pretty photos like yours. I enjoy decorating, crafting, thrift deals and more! I guess if I "feel" a connection, I follow.

Ivy and Elephants said...

I'm with you, the pictures have to be great. But I love new and creative ideas, and decor, and great writing, and recipes, and ....VARIETY!!!!
You have no worries, your blog is always a treat!

Rose Garden Malevik said...

YES.......this photos are really pretty :)
and do not miss.....




it is FUN :)
Håkan ( The Roseman)

Olivia said...

HI honey, I think you have the perfect balance! I adore hearing about all of your inspire me! I admire your relationship with your kids and I strive to be like that. Your pictures are darling...pretty, pretty roses! I just adore you and your blog, because they are YOU!

Kathy Owen, Petticoat Junktion said...

good morning Sandy, you are absolutely right about the importance of great photos. That is the main thing that attracts me to a blog. Your photos are awesome. I use my little Canon point and shoot because I don't know anything about photography or lenses or lighting!! Thanks for stopping by Petticoat Junktion and visiting.

Cindy The Victorian Journey said...

Hello Sandy, I enjoyed reading about what you think is attractive and interesting in a blog. I also enjoyed reading what others thoughts are. I think learning something is interesting. I love looking at different styles, crafts that people have completed. I hope you stop by my blog and tell me what your perception was of my blog. Please be open. Hugs, Cindy

Pam Kessler said...

I think pretty pictures attracts me to a blog at first, but then after I'm done oohing and aahing over the photos, I like to see a variety of things on their blog. I get bored if it's all one thing all the time. I think you do a great job with different topics - cats, decorating, family, projects.

Honey at 2805 said...

Thanks for linking this beautiful post to Potpourri Friday!