Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Projects to do

I have had the creative bug so bad the last couple weeks. Every year after the holidays I seem to be anxious to get back to crafting. The problem is I told myself I have to get all the holiday stuff down and organized because I can do any projects. The organized part is the problem--I want to take Christmas decorations that haven't been used for awhile to Goodwill and everything else put together into their rubbermaid containers and labeled. Ugh. Not my idea of fun.

So what is my idea of fun is making projects out of fence boards!

I had my husband make this wooden table runner out of fence boards.
He also made me a box to go with it.
I have ordered a sample of Miss Mustard Seed's milk paint. I am hoping it works well on this project. I am hoping it turns out chippy but am afraid that this old wood may really soak up the paint. Maybe I should put a little vaseline on it or something...any ideas?  I figure it may take some trail and error to get the look I want. I have ideas to add appliques and little glass knob feet to the box. This is going to be so cute! I hope.

Then for a couple months now I have been wanting to cover these light covers I got for my dining chandelier.

I have planned to add fabric and ruffles and I think it will look so pretty!

Then after looking for several months I finally found a floor lamp for my livingroom. I had a corner that needs light.

As you can imagine this is not how I plan for it to look when I am done. I fell in love with a lampshade at Ikea and I am hoping to make it look something like this---

Wish me luck!

So unfortunately I am not the only one in the family with a creative bug. My husband and kids made this kitty condo for Phoebe and Fez...

They don't understand why I don't think it goes with my decorating. They think it is very shabby chic. Phoebe and Fez better enjoy it while they can--because I am not going to be able to handle not sticking this out in the recycling for too long. :)

So does anybody else have the creative bug right now?

Thanks for visiting!


Jocelyne said...

I so know what you mean! I really have the bug. I took down my Christmas and put it all away. I've been reorganizing and decluttering my craftroom and then had to go back to work. The bug is really bad...I can't concentrate at work I just want to come home and sew, and glue, and glitter!

Anne said...

That is a cool piece! I wonder if you sprayed a clear sealer/varnish on top first before you paint.Something with a high gloss?If you just use the paint on the piece now it will just soak into the wood.Can't wait to see how it turns out!

Lady of the Woods said...

you don't need any luck, you will outdo yourself as always lol. I too fell in love with the fabric shaded lamp, the long one, so pretty!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Sandy,
I've got both the decorating bug and the organizing bug and it looks like I'll be getting some of this done while preparing to move again. The creating and crafting bug will have to be on hold.

I can't wait to see what you come up with. Love the wooden box and runner.


Junkchiccottage said...

Hi Sandy,
Ohhhh I love that wood. I can't wait to see how that turns out. I want to try my hand at the chippy milk paint too so I will be curious to see how this works for you. I too saw those cute lamp shades at Ikea. They are really adorable so I think your floor lamp will get a nice look with that cute shade. I can't waitto see your final projects.

Marissa said...

Sandy, love the dining chandelier just the way it is it's just so crisp and clean! I have been decoranging and organizing too... love January

sunnyskiesandsweettea said...


I have been busy working away on several pieces of furniture and I have probably 10 more things I want to make over.... So I am bitten by the creativity bug too. Your centerpiece turned out awesome.... And the kitty condo is adorable just for the reason that they were so creative.

Amy Jo

Deb said...

I love your chandelier and that is one swanky cat-condo. I'll bet they love it. :)

Cynthia said...

Guess it's just me, but I love the rustic wooden box as it is right now, and wouldn't change it. About two years ago, our neighbors tore down their cedar fence post fence, and were going to burn it, but I convinced Carl to cut the finial posts off, and we put them all over our garden. . .they're so beautiful in their natural aged state. But, I can also see this with a "wash" of white. So, just my opinion. And, I LOVE the kitty condo! My two "girls" would play in this all day.

Burlap Luxe said...

O, Sandy thank you dearly for making it over so soon into my latest posting. Thank you for leaving a comment that joys my heart.

Love your idea with the fence boards kind of like a wood charger to place a setting on, and I too love those Ikea shades. A while back long before Ikea had there shades I covered one in a muslin and made a rosette to pin to it. I did not care if it were perfect or not, I wanted the shade to feel as if it had been hanging around in an attic of sorts for years, a discovery that would charm.
It is in a much older posting of mine.

You have me thinking about that wood fence runner/Charger of sorts, I want to try my hand at something along the lines of what you inspired here :)

See you soon and all the beauty you grace.
Tell that hubby I love his DIY cat/kitty condo you have quite the carfting buddy hanging out with you :)


Heirloom treasures said...

Me too,had to get back to it this past week. Looks like you have some interesting things to get into. Can't wait to see the box and tray and lamp. Had to have a laugh at the recycle play station for the kitties. xx

Diane said...

I know how you feel. January is a good month to reorganize and donate items you no longer use or need. I need more room for my craft stuff after all! Looking forward to your finished fence board project.

Janae said...

I can't wait to see the box I bet it's going to to turn out great as well as your chandelier covers. Fez & phoebe's condo looks like fun!!

Sherry Hicks said...

love the wood table runner!! from my experience the milk paint will adhere very well without very much chipping to this surface ask Marion she will have an idea!! Loving the cat house reminds me of when my son took cardboard and built a raceway that took up whole living room, you will miss things like that don't be too quick to clean it up it has been fifteen years and that son is grown and I would give anything to have him still making cardboard raceways!! Have a wonderful day!

Grandma Carolee said...

That kitty condo makes me smile...I can just picture Jerry, Wyatt, & Chantel creating it and then having fun watching the cats explore & play in it.

The table runner & box that Jerry made will give all kinds of creative possibilities that you will have fun doing. I love being able to watch the progress.

Unknown said...

Sandy, I LOVE the runner and box your husband made! I have been wanting a box like that for awhile. Your ideas sound sooo cute, cantwait to see them! Love the lampshade too. I will be anxious to see all of your projects finished :)
I had to laugh at the little kitty playhouse because my kids do the same thing, lol. And they think it is so cool so I have to humor them for a little bit! Too cute!
Big hugs,

Pam Kessler said...

The fence board table runner is genius. Great idea. I haven't used her paint yet, so I'll wait for your opinion before I order some. I don't know why you don't like the kitty condo. They used white boxes with blue towels to match your decor.

Mandy's Pink Home said...

I love the wooden table runner...There is something about the new year that inspires us? I have been adding a little colour to my house in the form of new coushions. I have made 16 so far, I have got the sewing bug bad but need to move on to something else.
Looking forward to seeing the box done in the milk paint.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the transformation of your, already gorgeous, chandelier!

Susan EvelynAndRose said...

I think the creative bug officially hits hard in January - there's not much else to do in the winter. You've got some great ideas started.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

The cat house is so cute!! I love the wooden box,I think you and Janea would be a great hit as vendors!!


Ivy and Elephants said...

I love all your project, I'm especially anxious to see the lamp. I just know it's going to be adorable!
Now come on, I bet you could make the kitty's condo fabulously chic!!

Bella's Rose Cottage said...

Hi Sandy,
Love the wooden box, and I am eager to see if vaseline works, clever idea, maybe wax? We have the same chandy and I never thought to add little shades, how darling!! You sound busy!!

laura said...

Can't wait to see how the box turns out! I'm in the same boat,I've got all the Christmas Stuff all organized in boxes in the living I'm waiting on the new garage shelving.
Got myself a ruffler for my sewing machine, hope to be coping some of your past projects.
Take care- Laura

Amy Chalmers said...

yes I do have the bug. I just want to do my own thing, painting and decoupage and all that kind of stuff...and while the kitty condo is fun that kind of stuff drove me bonkers a while back. Now anything goes as I am never home keeping it all looking pretty like your house does. Have fun with the milk paint!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

You've got some great plans for projects, Sandy. Can't wait to see the lampshades. I'd like to see if I can't change out the glass shades on our dining fixture to shades. I'm going to have to take an afternoon and climb up on the stepladder to see if it can be done. So far, a lot of what I've been making has been for my Etsy.

Sweet Melanie said...

I think you have some really neat "to do's" to do and I can't wait to see them when you get them done. I am excited about the lampshade and I think I may have to try that one too. I have a pink shade similar to your red one and kind of want to go white. I really love the box too! Have fun doing them and like I said, can't wait to see them all finished up!

Shabby Brocante, Karen said...

Ah ha ha. I love the kitty condo for Phoebe and Fez. It's funny, because I have had the bug to create!! Not enough time lately, but anxious like you!! We don't have cats, so I am thinking just a Valentine's Day banner! :)

Redecórate con Lola Godoy said...

I love your blog and your style, congratulations. Kisses from Spain.