Tuesday, June 19, 2012

New Tablecloth and Kitty Scare

Yesterday Chantel and I went to our favorite thrift store. On Mondays and thursdays everything is half price and we find the greatest things! They have a great selection of name brand clothes and they are so cheap. I got barely worn (maybe even never worn) Tommy Hilfiger pajamas for $1. We got a lot of clothes--and with this growing family it is so helpful to our barely there budget!

My favorite thing I got is a lace tablecloth. It was marked $4.99 and so I got it for $2.50. It was an oatmeal color and had coffee stains on it. I had saw on several blogs that you can bleach these types of things so I figured it was worth a try. I put it in the washer and bleached it for 3 hours. Then I put it in oxyclean for 2 hours. I figured if I ruined it I wasn't out that much. It turned out beautiful!

It looks handmade. Whatever it is the quality is very good. My Mother says it reminds her of her Grandmother.

How fun it is to be able to find something like this for so little money!

A few days ago we had a little kitty scare. Warning...the picture below is not one of my usual cute kitty pictures. One morning Chantel came running into my room saying in panic, "Whats the matter with Phoebe?" Phoebe side of her face was swollen up HUGE. After reading on the internet I knew she was just too little and she had to go to the vet. I didn't spend all these sleepless nights to let something happen to these babies! The vet said that she had a small wound..probably from the claw of one of her siblings. Somehow bacteria got in there and it swelled up quick. I told her we are not rich people, and she was so nice to do a quick procedure of draining it and gave us some antibiotics. She didn't charge that much. I think she was happy we rescued these babies. Here is Phoebe after she shaved and drained it---it quickly got huge again.

My poor baby phoebe! She had a 105 degree temp.  But now with antibiotics she is doing so much better. She is almost totally better now.

If you visit my daughters blog you have already seen this next photo but I have to post it too. I can't believe how good Janae is at taking pet photos! These kittens don't sit still for a second so I really don't know how she does it. Janae ended up keeping 3 of the kittens and we kept 2. So they are all in the family. Janae took her 3 to her home now and I have to say I really miss them. I know they couldn't have a better home though. They were born on Cinco De Mayo, and so next year we are planning to have a big Mexican food birthday party for them:)

Walgreens was giving away a free 8x10 so I ordered this and I am going to frame it. Wouldn't that photo be a cute hallmark card?!

I am loving that it is summer break and the kids and I are just having lazy fun days. I have several projects in the works--can't wait to finish them and show you!

Thanks for visiting!


Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Oh poor baby kitty. I'm so glad that she is doing better, that looks just awful on the poor little thing. Thank goodness you are such a good Mommie.

Love that pretty lacey tablecloth. Very pretty.


Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

That tablecloth is gorgeous, Sandy! What a great find and it cleaned up beautifully. Our Goodwill has some really nice clothing. I bought some skirts last month to make into one ruffled jean skirt and I finished it Sunday. Glad to hear that little kitten is doing better. I'm sure that was scary.

sunnyskiesandsweettea said...

Hi Sandy,

I love that tablecloth it is so pretty. Your chandelier is gorgeous too! I am glad your little kitty is doing better, it is so scary when something happens to our little animals.

Amy Jo

Debbie@Mountain Breaths said...

I am so glad Phoebe is doing better. The kitties are just so precious, and your daughter takes excellent photos. Hallmark card for sure! Your tablecloth is beautiful, and I really need to start going to the thrift stores to look around for bargains.

Unknown said...

The photo's are wonderful..love the table linen and yes, the photo's of the kitties are worth framing..what fun and I'm glad the little one is doing so much better..nice post..

Melanie said...

The tablecloth is lovely! I love getting a bargain like that too!!! Glad that Phoebe is doing better!!! She is such a little cutie!!!

Jennifer @ Town and Country Living said...

Sandy, thanks so much for the info on bleaching the tablecloth. My mom crocheted a white one for me and it has stains and I thought it was forever ruined. I never thought to bleach it for awhile. Duh. So glad your little kitty is okay. So cute!! All of them!

Julie said...

Poor baby Phoebe - it is hard to care so much and vet bills can be so expensive.

Janae really really is talented. Has she thought about doing pet pictures for $$$. I would pay for a good picture of my 2 cats.

The White Pear Tree said...

Poor sweet kittie!! Glad she's better now!

That picture of the 5 of them on the chair is just so cute!!! (Love the chair too.) They're such a cute bunch! You'll have fun with them. I'm glad they're all spoken for and in good homes. You've done a terrific job with them.

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Sandy.Oh, I am so sad for little Phoebe, but she is looking so much better. What darling kittens. My daughter went to get a new kitten and came home with it's sibling. They are fairly grown now, but what fun they had together and they are the best cats. I think it is a good idea to keep them together. Almost forgot your pretty tablecloth. Great find..Happy Tuesday..Judy

Peggy said...

Hi Sandy,
Love the tablecoth - it turned out really beautiful - amazing what bleach will do! Your poor little kitten - glad she is getting better. I agree that Janae must work some magic on her little furry friends because my little dogs surely never look so well posed in pictures....LOL

Bella's Rose Cottage said...

Hi Sandy,
First a big hats off to your daughter , what a great pic, I am horrible at pet pics!!! So glad the little one is better, scary!! Your tablecloth is gorgeous, I am have to get a big bottle of bleach and work on my oatmeal things too, thanks for the tip!
Hurry for Eden, you will be IN LOVE!! The Wichester Cathedral is a David Austin, and lovely ruffled goodness. Have you seen this link to David Austin (you can sort roses by color!)..

Heirloom treasures said...

Oh poor Phoebe,it must have been so painful.
Years ago when we had our cat Sammy,he got a swelling on top of his head like that. I could see it was full of puss. I just made up a poltice of a piece of bread sprinkled with some baking soda and moistened it. I tied it on with a bandage over and under his chin. He was too afraid of it to pull it off and he walked around with his chin nearly on the floor. He was quite happy though and within a few days I changed the poltice and another few days and the swelling had gone.
This is an old remedy for drawing boils. It works too.
Cheaper than the vet,as long as the patient isn't in pain.
Love Janaes growing family too. I don't know how she does it either and keeps her home so beautiful with such a growing family. xxoo

Heirloom treasures said...

PS, got caught up with the kitties I forgot your tablecloth is gorgeous. I so love lace. xxoo

farmhouse-story said...

i love that type of lace, its so delicate looking--great find, sandy:) poor phoebe--she looked miserable. so glad she is feeling better--thanks to you:)

Grandma Carolee said...

It was so good to see Phoebe looking as good as new yesterday. I agree with all of those who see what an amazing photographer Janae' is with all of the animals. That could be a second profession.
The tablecloth gives me such warm memories of my grandmother.

Marigene said...

Beautiful tablecloth...happy to hear your kitty is doing well.

Janet said...

The tablecloth is gorgeous! I just love finding things like that! Glad your kitty is doing better!

Susan EvelynAndRose said...

Beautiful tablecloth!

Theresa said...

I love your tablecloth. I too have some lace tablecloths I found at Goodwill but have been too afraid to bleach them. Did you use just straight bleach and which kind of oxyclean, liquid or powder? Thanks..

Cindy said...

I CAN NOT believe she got all those precious kitties sitting still in that pose all looking up at her, that's AMAZING, and so so cute... omg

And, your tablecloth is wonderful! I'm a sucker for lace, and this looks like the real thing... so pretty


Karen said...

Sandy that is a gorgeous tablecloth. It looks so pretty in your dining room. I hope your kitty is doing better poor little thing. I'm crazy about those pet photos. It's so hard to get good pictures of fur babies.

Nann said...

Beautiful tablecloth Sandy! I just got one with some stains on it too from a thrift store and am going to try your stain 'recipe.' It sure looks like it worked. The photo of the kittens just pulls the heartstrings of my heart. It is adorable. I'm so glad you were able to get Phoebe taken care of. She is just so precious.

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

The tabelcloth was a great find Sandy and cleaned up perfectly. I'm going to try your cleaning method on a stained cloth I found thrifting.

That poor kitty, she must have felt terrible. So glad she is doing better.

I'd love to have you share this post at Shabbilicious Friday this week ~ http://shabbyartboutique.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/shabbilicious-friday-226.html

Anne said...

Oh my poor thing.I am so glad she is feeling better.

Julie said...

Lovely lace tablecloth, cheap but such a great find. Wishing well for your Phoebe! :)

table linen

Anonymous said...

White table clothes are looking very nice and it improving a beauty of your furniture. This kind of white table cloth is one great option for decorating a furniture with attractive and beautiful look up.

Linen Tablecloth