The heat and humidity has been getting the best of me this summer. I feel like I have been getting nothing done..just no energy. But thankfully Wyatt and I decided to take an air conditioned drive to Goodwill the other day because look what we found!
I love crystal chandeliers and now I have found 2 bargains in a month! When I first got it it wasn't looking exactly like I wanted...
All it took was a little white paint, some distressing and cleaning those crystals and it turned out just like I wanted it too. It was priced at $6.99...but I had my $10 free receipt so I got it for free!
I had the perfect spot for it in my entryway above the chair where we sit to take our shoes off.
I am really happy to have found this, and also so thankful that my husband is so good at putting things like this up for me!
We have had so much going on in our lives in the world of our felines...who are family to us.
Big John and Chantel |
We lost our precious Big John who died of old age at 17. He has been with the kids their entire lives (and most of Janae's life) and we miss him so much. What a wonderful boy he was!
Right around the time of Big John's passing we saw a silver shaded persian at the animal shelter while going with my Mother to license her puppy. We later saw her again at Petco..she was being advertised as being up for adoption at the shelter. We learned she had been there over a month and she was 5 years old. Her fur was a terrible mess and I think people were just afraid of the care her coat would take. I knew I could handle it. For many years I showed chinchilla and silver shaded and golden persians. Big John was my last persian from my cat showing days (though I never showed or bred him..he was just a favorite kitten who became a pet to us). Here I am in my cat showing days...
Those were fun years! My kitty Snuffy did very well at the shows :)
So know where this story is going...the kitty at the shelter came home and became part of our family.
She had an ear infection, and lots of mats but we got her all cleaned up and she is doing great now. She is such a love!
Her name at the shelter was Rain. They named her that because the person who brought her in said they just found her. The shelter wondered if that was true. She was in bad shape so I am sure the person didn't want to admit to the lack of care. We liked that name but we name our animals more "real" names so we named her Sophia...keeping Rain as her middle name. Our other cats did not like the idea at first but they are slowly accepting her.
"Mom--Phoebe is touching me!" I swear sometimes cats can be as bad as kids when it comes to trying to annoy each other :)!
There has been one more big feline story in our household recently. Wyatt and I went to my parents house one day and as soon as we got out of the car could hear this terrible screaming! We ran to the backyard where we found a little orange kitten stuck in a bush. My parents don't hear well so they hadn't heard it--but a lady in the apartments behind their house said she had heard the screaming for 3 days. I can't understand some people! To make a long story short Janae decided to save his life and become his Mama. His leg ended up having to be amputated. Read the whole story
here. It is really heartwarming..I am so proud of Janae.
I know we can't save them all...but I am thankful for the ones we are able to save!
Hope this finds everyone enjoying the summer--I am hoping to spend the next few days catching up on everybody's blogs! Ice tea and a computer---sounds like the thing to do in all this humidity :)
Thanks for visiting!