Saturday, July 21, 2012

Goodbye our sweet Sassy

It is hard for me to not just sit here and cry as I write this post. As much as I thought I was ready and prepared for our sweet Sassy to pass away it has been so hard. After her being part of my life everyday for the last 17 years I feel like I have a paw shaped hole in my heart.

The above picture was taken on her first birthday. I remember how nice the bakery was as I explained I needed a drawing of our Sassy on the cake. People tease Janae about her elaborate birthday parties for her pets but I guess she comes by it naturally! Janae posted this picture on Facebook and tagged some of the little kids in the picture (now all grown up) and they wrote sweet comments about Sassy. That is Janae holding Sassy in the picture..a lot has changed in Sassy's lifetime!

Sassy has always been our "real cat" in the words of my husband. I showed and bred silver and golden persains for many years and Sassy was the "real cat".

Janae shows Sassy to our nephew, Dylan.

Last night Janae came over and as a family we spent the evening going through old pictures and telling stories about Sassy. Like the time we were having a party at the house and Sassy started staring at the ceiling fan and from the floor she jumped all the way to the ceiling and attacked the fan. My husbands friends were so impressed. She was quite the athlete in her younger years.

As those of you that follow me know a couple months ago knowing that Sassy wouldn't be with us much longer we went in search of another "real cat". Well, we ended up with two..and a lot more work than originally anticipated.. we adore them! Some of their crazy antics remind us of Sassy's younger days... though the love for them is becoming just as strong as our love for Sassy...there still will never be another Sassy.

Sassafras...we will always love you!


Connie said...

I feel your pain upon your losing your precious Sassy. They are like children and they hold a special place in your heart.
I had two Himalayan - a boy/girl from the same litter. The male lived 17 years and the girl 14. They had much love and good care and I have many precious memories.
You have many pictures/memories that will always be with you.
Hang in there. Sassy was lucky to have such a wonderful home and much love.

Connie, IN/FL

Tablescapes By Diane said...

Hi lovely lady.
I also feel your pain for your loss of Sassy so sorry. I loss my Great Dane nine years ago she was the love of my life!!!
xxoo Diane

Penny @ Penny's Vintage Home said...

I am so sorry that Sassy is gone, but it seems that you have some wonderful memories to cherish. I love cats and feed every stray in the neighborhood!
Hugs, Penny

Unknown said...

Only real pet parents know the pain of losing our beloved pets. I had to let go of my Mercedes one day short of her 17th birthday - broke my heart. I loved her so much. (schaunzer)My heart hurts for you all.

Stacy's Shabby Shoppe said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I know that both you and Janae are huge animal lovers and losing one is really super hard. I lost my best friend after 17 years...he was an awesome dog. That was almost two years ago and I still don't have another dog. *sigh* You take's wonderfulthat you have other lovely pets to love!

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

I'm so sorry, Sandy. It's never easy to loose a loved one, but your memories will last forever. Hang in there, my friend.

Lady of the Woods said...

You have my heart condolences. I too lost a long loved and deeply cherished feline who was an angel in cat form. I wondered how I could be soooo in love with her each and every single day as if it were the first. I'm still not over her. But it seems those kitties came into your life in works that way sometimes. hugs.

Janae said...

I thought I would be handling it better to, being that we have be prepared for this day to come for a while now. But it's so hard everytime I see these pictures of her and I so little it makes me cry. I miss her so much but I'm glad she's no longer in pain, I will never forget her. She was such an awesome cat.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Oh goodness, I always say I am not getting another cat until It lives longer that I do, Of course I can't be with out a cat...Or just breaks your when they die. I am sorry to hear about your sweet baby!


The White Pear Tree said...

What a beautiful cat Sassy was!! I'm so sorry for your loss. Your heart must be just broken. Take solace in the fact that you gave her the best possible life.



lashawnmontoya said...

I know you will miss your Sassy so much! I still miss Spookie and it's been 33 years! Pets stay in our hearts forever, just like a treasured family member should:)

BECKY said...

Oh Sandi, I'm so sorry about Sassy. We have two cats and two dogs, and we got them all fairly close together. I just hope that they don't leave us all at the same time.

Sending a big hug your way!
Gentle blessings,

Unknown said...

It is so hard to loose a beloved pet, 17 years is a long time for a cat, you are lucky to have all the good memories. Thinking about you.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about Sassy. I do remember you talking about her. Of course you'll miss her because she was a part of your family for so long. I'm glad you had these last few months to cherish her and also to have two new kitties to bring a little happiness to you in the coming weeks as you deal with your grief.

Julie said...

Sandy - I'm sorry for your loss. I understand completely. My sweet Mouse died a couple of years ago and she was the love of my life. I still miss pher. J

Cindy said...

It's so hard to lose a member of your family like that... I'm so sorry... I'm sure your sweet sassy is in kitty heaven waiting for all you guys to join her someday.



I'm so sorry for your loss Sandy. Our pets really are part of the family and when they are gone, they are missed dearly.


Claudia said...

There are no words I can say to erase the hurt you feel. We had our cat 24 almost 25 years before he passed. He slept with me each night and I still miss him dearly.

Amy Chalmers said...

So sorry to hear about Sassy~I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet...but Sassy was the real cat, and that is such a great compliment to her and how she shared your lives!

Lynn-Teacupstitches said...

Ohhhhhh Sandy I am truly heartbroken for your loss!
Sassy surely knew she was your "real" cat and was a blessed kitty to have you and your family as HER family.
I'm very very sorry.

Anonymous said...

Sandy, I'm so sorry! They do put paw prints all over our hearts! She was lovely and I know such a blessing! Praying for you and your sweet family that God will ease your pain.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

So sorry about the loss of your dear and beautiful, Sassy! Hope your heart heals soon.

MYSAVIOR said...

I don't have the words to let you know how much I am feeling your pain. I pray that you will all heal soon but we know that your dear Sassy will never be too far from your hearts.

farmhouse-story said...

so sorry for the loss of your sweet friend, sandy. hugs to you and the family:)

Pam Kessler said...

I am so sorry. It is so so hard to lose our babies. I enjoyed seeing all the photos of her in her younger years!

pipigirl said...

im so very sorry about your sass. my "kiki"i sitting with me right now. she thinks she runs the computer. we have a ritual that we do every single night when i go to bed. it helps me to go to sleep also. callie is getting up there and ive been thinking about that lately. what am i gonna do when i dont have her anymore. she so got her ways and is so very much a part of my life. everyone just loves her. im glad you have your other babies to help you thru this

Anne said...

I am sorry to hear about sweet Sassy.I know your hearts are broken.Keeping you all in my heart and prayers.

Melanie said...

Sandy, I am so sorry for your loss! It is hard to be without Sassy after 17 years, I know how you feel!!
We lost Bess after 17 years. She rests in Mama's rose garden and planted a yellow rose there. Everytime the bush blooms, someone says "look, the Boopsie rose bush is blooming" Boopsie was her nickname. It has been 5 1/2 years, and I still miss her! Hugs to you and your family!!! Will be thinking about you and yours in the days to come!!!

Bunny Jean said...

Oh Sandy...

I am SO sorry to hear about Sassy's passing. I know how hard losing a beloved pet can be... for the whole family, because they can truly become a big part of a loving family.

I see that your pet photography stared many years ago. Cute pictures of Janae as a youngster!

xoxo Bunny Jean