Monday, May 19, 2014

A favor to ask...

My daughter (Janae) just became a finalist in a contest which would help her win $1000 for her favorite rescue-- Displaced Pets. They are a small rescue but they save a lot of dogs. It is where she adopted Lilly.

The video is adorable. You can view it here...

Here is the link on Facebook where you can vote...just like this link to vote
Thank you so much! I will let you know if she wins. I sure hope she does because Displaced Pets does a lot of great work


  1. Good luck to Janae. I'll go right over and vote. Deb

  2. People who love animals are the best...fingers crossed she wins!


  3. Wishing her luck! Feels good to be able to help a good rescue, my dogs are both rescues!

  4. Done. I am mommy to 4 rescue cats. Best of luck & thanks for your work on behalf of homeless animals.

  5. That is so cute! How on earth did she do that!? I hope it's not too late to go vote... will go there now



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