Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Doggie Hairbows and Haircuts

After I sold my Dairy Queen 6 years ago I had big plans to go to a dog grooming school and set up a business grooming dogs. But it didn't happen. I just never had a time when I had someone to care for Gage..and the schooling was pretty expensive too. Any money I made in selling my DQ business pretty much got eaten up by the taxes. Recently I have been thinking it would be fun to make little doggie accessories that maybe someday could become a business. 

Yesterday I started making these bows.

Doggie bows with a rubberband are so hard to find and the only kind that work well with my dogs. Besides being hard to find, they also can really add up in cost. These bows I have paid from $1 to $4 each! I am happy I finally decided to start making them...and though these are very basic I look forward to making fancier ones.

I was inspired to start making them because my Mother's puppy, Annie, was needing some so she could see.

Our sweet old girl Dafney (who is 13 years old now) has worn a bow all her life.

My dog Daisy ended up getting a haircut the other day. I like to keep her hair long..but her grooming got away from me a bit and I decided to give her a spring haircut and let her grow a fresh new coat.

At first she was so mad at me she wouldn't even look at me. She seemed embarrassed.

But she has started to forgive me. She shivers a bit--I guess she feels really naked now :) Time for me to start making her some new outfits!

Our yard has new flowers blooming everyday..and new weeds too! Seems like the weeds grow faster then I can pull them...but I feel that way every year in April.

My Mom gave me some tulips from her house...

I love bringing the outside in!

Today I just wanted to say to how much I appreciate all of you. I don't try to be anything I'm not...and I do not have an exciting life or a lot of money...but I get such positive feedback and inspiration from your comments and from visiting your blogs.  You all enrich my life and make me feel so good about everything I do have. When you put yourself out there you open yourself up to a lot of negative stuff. I hope I am not jinxing myself, but I have had nothing but positive experiences and I just want to thank you all for that! If people only use the internet to support each other, as I have experienced with my blog, the world would be a better place. :)

Thanks for being there!


  1. Hi Sandy, thank you for your beautiful visit :)
    Those doggie bows are so very cute. As for weeding gardens as you know so well is a job and a half. As for my garden weeds are dry mixed with green due to our dry climate here in Southern California. and to make a simple shaker a vase made beautiful sense for the dry weeds of winters end.

    Salvage is its own poetry in my home, and how I love it's history.

    Love the spring flower beds here, makes me sad that mine are not yet in full bloom!

    Beautiful week to you and all it inspires.

  2. What a sweet post. I agree, there is so much negative in the world. That is why I enjoy looking at beautiful and happy blogs that make me feel good, and your blog always does that!

    LOVE the idea of the doggie bows!! They are so cute!!

    Have a wonderful week,

  3. Your'e very welcome Sandy. I feel the same way with my blog and its followers. It's just lovely to be connected with like minded souls
    I hope you get lots of orders for your little bows. It's amazing how selling to friends can escalate into a little money spinner. That's how my Christening gown sales got going. Although now very slow,it was the very thing that paid for my book to be published. Go for it. xx

  4. Sandy, I love this post!! Your blog is truly one of my very favorites :) I love your honesty, your love for your children and animals! My husband and I have a total of seven kids and they are the biggest joy in our lives. I am such an animal lover and so enjoy seeing and reading about yours! I also love Janae's blog!! It always makes me smile to see her fur babies and you both have such beautiful homes. I would much rather read blogs that is "real" than ones with huge houses and all the money in the world. Your home is so beautiful and I love seeing your crafts and tutorials!

    I think your doggie bows are so pretty! They are perfect! You should open an Etsy, I know they would be huge sellers! I also love seeing your beautiful flowers. We dont have any blooms yet here in Michigan :(

    Thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog post! I have had my white blankets from Janets shop for quite awhile and they have held up very well! They are very thin and delicate but I have washed them in cold water and machine dried them several times and they come out beautiful :)

    Have a wonderful day!

  5. I love the beautiful little bows that you made for Annie!! You will do wonderfully going into making things for pets because you are creative & talented, and love animals. The little roses on the bows is a perfect touch. THANK YOU!
    I'm glad you could use the tulips. Dad said I should have cut them before they blossomed.

  6. So enjoyed your post, luv your flower arrangements and how you painted the Ball jars.
    "Pats"to the pups.

  7. Hi Sandy,
    This is so sweet. I think the bows are adorable. They say that the doggie clothes and accessory line is the biggest industry right now so I think you should get in on that and sell your cute bows. I always love seeing your furry kids. So adorable.

  8. Such cute little dogs with adorable hair accessories! Wish I could find a way to put one on my blue heeler!


  9. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Now you KNOW my Miss Mollie needs these! CUTE!


  10. Oooooo the bows are so cute. I have a little dog with a tangle of wiry hair, and for the life of me i can't get a bow to stay in her little top tufts of hair. I tried grooming her the other nite too, and she was so unhappy with me, she wouldn't sit with me the rest of the night. Your doggies look absolutely precious with their bows.
    I feel the same way you do about my blogger friends. I think you said that well!


  11. I love your blog, Sandy! I love your love of beauty, of family, of your pets, of the outdoors- and the fact that you blog about it makes me feel closer to you and somehow, more sane, more human, if that makes sense! Since I work full time, i miss being stay at home mom and reading your blog gives me a vicarious enjoyment of the simple pleasures of being a mom and wife. Love you, cousin!

  12. Amen Sandy I agree I am who I am and I will never be anything than that.I always want to be treated with respect and respect others too :-) .I LOVE supporting other women is businesses and blogs!
    Those bows are so cute!Oh I hope this does become a business for you.I think cute pet outfits would be fun to make too or pet bags.You are so talented You could do it!
    Your garden is lovely it's still too cold around here :-(

  13. seems to be that way with shi tues. spelling. ive forgotten... i used to groom dogs, and we made these kinds of bows with the rubberbands. they worked out very well. maybe you could sell on etsy,bonanza, or someplace else or all of the above. irregardless, whatever your endeavors, i wish you the best....

  14. cute!--the pups do's look precious, sandy! i so enjoy visiting you--your love for your family and pets shine through your beautiful decorating, gardening and projects:)

  15. What a cool idea, I love the doggy bows and the outfits, too. I'm sure they'd be a big success!
    The painted ball jars showoff your gorgeous flowers to perfection.
    So glad to be your bloggy buddy!

  16. I so enjoy your blog along with your daughter, Janaes. You both brighten my day with your wonderful pictures. I find myself checking for updates every few days.
    I am so exited about trying out some of these crafts you have posted along with painting my craft station white when the weather warms up. Will that even happen soon here in sunny Oregon? Lol
    Look forward to your next update.


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